Friday, June 5, 2009

Infrared Implimentation

Infrared data transfer is implemented according to the infrared data association ( IrDA) standars and protocols. These stands are designed to allow low-cost components and low power requirements, and to enable connections by simply pointing infrared devices at each other. Infrared transceivers are now installed in nearly all new portable computers. For a computer that does not have a bult-in infrared tranceiver, you can install an external infrared transceiver.

IrDA is a half- dulplex, short-range data transfer technology. The IrDA protocols specify the procedures that link initialization, device address discovery, connection startup and data rate negotiation, information exchange, disconnection, link shutdown, and device address conflict resolution.

1) Infrared device support

Infrared functionality is provided through the wireless link file transfer feature, infrared printing (IrPT), infrared image tranfer (IrTran-P) ,and infrared networking ( IrNET and IrComm) capabilities, Additionally, the IrDA Winsock API supports programms created by other software and equipment manufactures. These manufactures sell programs that use the Winsock API ( or proprietary interfaces) to provide infrared conncetions to printers, modems. digital pagers, personal digital assistants, electronic cameras,organizers, celleur phones and hand-held computers.

2) Infrared transmission speeds

Many laptops, notebook computers and hand-held devices now include infrared tranceiver ports that provide infrared asynchronous serial transmission with maximum data transfer speeds of either 115.2 kilobytes per second ( Kbps) or 4 megabits per second ( Mbps) and sometimes 16 Mbps.

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